A stolen moment. The kind that almost feels too sacred to capture. I like to step back, to observe. Us knowing each other first gives me the ability to better anticipate these moments, to wait, and allows you to be comfortable with me waiting in the distance with the camera to my face.
Family sessions are a joy and an honor to photograph. It’s a time for you to be, act, play, smile, laugh and for me to really capture your story, small moments, little details, bits of personalities. And I never limit family sessions to a certain time of year because I think families should be photographed all year round. Kids are always changing, especially when they are little and learning big, new things every single day. The way they hold your hand, the silly faces they make when you tell them to smile, the way they look at you when you’re wrapped in a big squeeze, they way they play. It’s ever changing. I see it in parents too. Their expressions change. Their touch changes. It’s all worthy of documentation. All stolen moments really. My goal is to create new images with every family I photograph.
If you are looking at the upcoming months and getting ready to book your family session, thinking about holiday cards, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “what should we where and how do I coordinate outfits for my whole family?”
A few tips I have!
1. Moms, you come first. I know you aren’t used to being selfish, but you need to be this time around. Find something that makes you feel amazing. And coordinate the rest of the looks around yours.
2. Colors and neutrals. Find your tones and stick with them. Neutrals are wonderful for balance. Color is wonderful for personality.
3. Textures. Instead of trying to coordinate outfits for 3+ people and deal with too many patterns, stick with textures. They will still read as interesting, but not be as difficult to pair! And you can mix more of them!
4. A meaningful location! One where your family is comfortable and can be themselves. This is one reason why I love in-home sessions so much. We can make any location work, but it really does come through in photos how comfortable you are.
5. Don’t worry about posing or if you’re “awkward”. If you are actually awkward, I will probably embrace it. But that’s why I’m here, to direct and guide you! I just want you to be your true self, along with your family.

one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine.
These are just a few of my favorite dresses that would be perfect for a portrait session! And if you feel like you need help with looks for you and your spouse or you and your family, I offer that as well! I can’t wait to photograph you and your family!